Getting Tutored on Spays and Neuters

I had a comment come in through Google asking about the cost of spay/neuter at our clinic. A great question that is often followed by another great question, "what is the difference between a spay and neuter?" Fear not! I will sort it out right here, right now. Note : At the end of this blog, we'll discuss cost and the differences in what's included between veterinary clinics (hint: price is not everything when it comes to surgery on your pet ). All About Spays and Neuters Overview Spays and neuters are sterilization procedures. When we speak of animals, sterilization does not mean that we're cleaning them really well, but rather that we are removing their ability to have babies. There are a few ways this can done (for example, surgically or with drugs), however spay and neuter have specific meanings, as well as additional benefits beyond preventing unwanted puppies and kittens. What are Spays and Neuters? Spays and neuters are surgical procedures that rem...